Wednesday 26 June 2013

Rule of thirds

for my rule of thirds photos there very similar to each other I did this one with the horizon on the lower part I left a lot more sky in it and my focus is on the left side where the little boat is cruising by 
for this one I have my horizon up in the top of the picture and a lot more of the water with the focus point on the right top corner .
and for this one its kind of like the first photo but the focus point is the little bird on the left.

Leading lines

In my first photo I really like how I'm using the leading lines and the rule of thirds at the same time if my focus was in the center this would not be nearly as strong of a photograph, I think if I would have made the horizon lower or higher it may have been better because its a little too centered but other than that i really like this picture.
In this one I really like how the railing leads your eye right to the bridge in the distance and also lines up with the fence there on the side i perhaps should have used a bit of the rule of thirds in the photo its very centered in this one.
And for this photo I really like how the lines are leading up to the opening at the top of the latter and also there is some repetition with the circles going up its a very neat angle.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

 white balance is auto

 white balance is fluorescent

 white balance is tungsten

 white balance is auto

 white balance was sunny

white balance was cloudy 

In the first two I cant really see much of a difference at all, but in the third one I used the tungsten setting so it has a blue tinge too it, I think that the first three look so dark because I have light coming from behind it so its kind of shadowed I actually like the third one best out of the first three I think the blue is kinda cool. The last three I also dont see too much of a difference except the black part of the wall behind it I can see a slight difference in the color. I tried to use the rule of thirds mostly in the first three but also a bit in the last three. i like the last three better because i can see all the detail on the flowers that were drawn onto the mug and the actual daylight makes it better too.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

 I noticed as the photos got lighter they got a bit more blurry, I chose the little car cup because Tim Dang suggested it to me and I thought it was cute when I got starred on the paint shop pro with the photo editing to make this collage it seemed a bit confusing but it ended up being pretty easy once I got started and once my computer actually started working for me, day 2 i got it done really fast. and i chose the other cup because I liked the design on it and thought it would be a good one for this specific project. I also like the transition from dark to light it looks pretty cool.